Christopher “Roo” Page is a happily married man who seeks knowledge in everything he does.

Living in Charlotte, NC with his wife Jessica, their 2 dogs Bane and Loki, and an African Grey Parrot by the name of Zachary Wing, Roo is passionate about photography, preventing light pollution, nature and wildlife conservancy, and protecting our planet and night skies. Always tinkering with something, with an unquenchable thirst of knowledge for the universe and how it works that has pushed him towards discovering more of it each and every day and night. He also seeks to document all of it in photos for generations to come. Host of the weekly podcast, “The Astrocast”, that is listened to by thousands of folks in over a dozen different countries all over the world, Roo is happy but never satisfied, knowing that so many people don’t get to see the night skies as our ancestors once did.

You can help combat light pollution!!! Consider switching out any harsh blue LEDs to warm colors, and turn them off when you don’t need them. Setup motion detectors for all outdoor lights, and make sure they are shielded and aimed correctly, to prevent light from needlessly entering the skies above. If we could all do this together at our homes and businesses, we could turn around light pollution in ONE night!

For inquiries on photoshoots, please email “” - I will get back to you soon!
