Aurora Borealis over the Northern Hemisphere.

An X Class Solar Storm on 5/10/2024 caused this once in a lifetime viewing opportunity for all of those in the Northern Hemisphere who were lucky enough to see it. I heard about the storm from our local meteorologist, Brad Panovich, around 1pm. The potential was there, and I’d been waiting my entire life for an opportunity to see the Northern Lights. After a discussion with my wife to make sure she didn’t mind me driving hours away into unknown lands for the chance to photograph the event, I got to work. After locating a dark site that was suitable for the task (high elevation, 3000+ ft, Bortle 3 skies) I picked up a buddy and headed to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Upon arrival, it was extremely cold, and the wind was howling. Within 5 minutes, it began. What proceeded was one of the most incredible events I’ve ever witnessed in my life. In terms of Astronomical events, I put it on par with 2001 Leonids Meteor Storm, which I was also lucky enough to witness. I was not a photographer then, but I am today. To be able to capture this moment was so incredible. I hope you enjoy the views as much as I did photographing them.